Solar Tube vs Skylight: Shedding Light on Your Home’s Brightness

The art of architectural design often revolves around the play of light and shadow, and when it comes to inviting the sun’s radiance into your living space, two popular options stand in the limelight – solar tubes and skylights. Both offer the promise of basking in natural illumination, but they do so in distinct ways. In this article, we embark on an enlightening journey to explore the key differences between these two luminous solutions, shedding light on the factors you should consider when choosing between them.

In a world where the environmental and aesthetic impact of our living spaces is more important than ever, understanding the nuances of solar tubes and skylights can empower you to make an informed decision for your home. So, let’s embark on this illuminating exploration and find out which of these luminous design elements suits your unique needs and desires.

8 Top Products for Solar Tubes and Skylights

Here are eight top products for solar tubes and skylights, each offering unique features to cater to different preferences and needs:

Solar Tubes

  1. VELUX Sun Tunnel Tubular Skylight: Known for their quality, VELUX offers various sun tunnel options, including flexible and rigid tunnel designs, with optional integrated solar-powered lighting kits for nighttime use.
  2. Solatube Daylighting System: Solatube is a well-regarded brand in the solar tube industry, offering efficient and innovative daylighting solutions. Their product range includes options with various sizes and decorative fixtures.
  3. Fakro Light Tunnels: Fakro’s light tunnels provide excellent light distribution and are available in different diameters, making them suitable for various room sizes. They also offer energy-efficient solar-powered models.
  4. Suntek Tubular Skylights: Suntek provides affordable and reliable solar tube options, with easy installation and various add-on features like ventilation kits and dimmers.


  1. VELUX Fixed Deck-Mount Skylight: VELUX offers high-quality fixed skylights in various sizes, designed for both residential and commercial spaces. They come with features like laminated low-E glass for energy efficiency and improved insulation.
  2. Fakro FV High Pivot Roof Window: Fakro’s high-pivot roof windows can be a versatile choice for allowing in natural light. They offer unique opening options and can serve as both skylights and windows.
  3. Wasco E-Class E-Class Self-Flashing Skylights: Wasco is known for its energy-efficient skylights. Their E-Class series includes self-flashing skylights with advanced glazing options, reducing heat transfer and improving insulation.
  4. Keylite Roof Windows: Keylite offers a range of skylights with integrated blinds, thermal insulation, and other innovative features. They are designed for easy installation and maintenance.

Remember to assess your specific requirements, such as room size, budget, and desired features, when choosing between these products. Installation, energy efficiency, and durability are also crucial factors to consider when making your selection.

What Are Solar Tubes and Skylights?

Before delving into the comparison, let’s first understand what solar tubes and skylights are:

Solar Tubes

Solar tubes, also known as sun tunnels or light tubes, are cylindrical tubes installed on your roof to capture sunlight. They are designed to funnel sunlight into your living spaces via a highly reflective interior surface. A diffuser or lens on the ceiling distributes the light evenly throughout the room.


Skylights, on the other hand, are windows or openings in your roof with transparent or translucent glazing, designed to admit daylight. They come in various shapes and sizes and can be fixed, vented, or even operable.

Natural Light and Its Benefits

Natural light not only illuminates your home but also provides numerous benefits, such as:

Health and Well-Being

  1. Vitamin D Synthesis: Exposure to natural light aids in the production of vitamin D, essential for bone health and overall well-being.
  2. Mood Enhancement: Sunlight has been shown to improve mood and reduce the risk of depression.

Energy Savings

  1. Reduced Energy Costs: Harnessing natural light can reduce your reliance on artificial lighting, leading to energy savings.
  2. Thermal Regulation: Properly managed natural light can also help with temperature regulation, reducing heating and cooling costs.

Solar Tubes: Illuminating the Pros and Cons


  1. Cost-Effective: Solar tubes are often more affordable than skylights, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious homeowners.
  2. Versatile Installation: They can be installed in various locations, including rooms with limited ceiling space.
  3. Efficient Lighting: Solar tubes provide a consistent and even distribution of light, minimizing shadows and glare.


  1. Limited to Daylight: Solar tubes rely solely on daylight and do not provide nighttime illumination.
  2. Limited Aesthetic Options: The design and aesthetics of solar tubes are relatively limited compared to skylights.
  3. Location Constraints: They require direct access to the roof, limiting installation possibilities.

Skylights: Revealing the Pros and Cons


  1. All-Day Lighting: Skylights provide natural light during both day and night, offering 24/7 illumination.
  2. Aesthetic Freedom: Skylights come in various designs, shapes, and sizes, allowing you to match your home’s aesthetics.
  3. Ventilation Options: Vented skylights can help improve indoor air quality by allowing for natural ventilation.


  1. Higher Initial Cost: Skylights can be more expensive to purchase and install compared to solar tubes.
  2. Potential for Heat Gain: Poorly designed skylights may allow excessive heat to enter your home, increasing cooling costs.
  3. Complex Installation: Some skylights may require more complicated installation, especially in areas with limited roof access.

Making the Choice

As you stand at the crossroads of choosing between solar tubes and skylights to illuminate your home, several key factors should guide your decision-making process. Each option comes with distinct advantages and disadvantages, and the choice ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here’s a breakdown of the considerations that should influence your decision:

1. Budget

Your budget is a significant factor in this decision. If you’re looking for a cost-effective solution, solar tubes tend to be more budget-friendly compared to skylights. They offer an efficient way to bring in natural light without breaking the bank.

2. Daylight vs. 24/7 Light

Consider whether you want natural light during both daytime and nighttime. If round-the-clock illumination is important to you, skylights are the better choice, as they provide continuous access to natural light.

3. Aesthetics

If the aesthetics of your living space are a top priority, skylights offer more design options. With various shapes, sizes, and designs available, you can select a skylight that complements the architecture and style of your home.

4. Installation Constraints

Assess the architectural characteristics of your home and the feasibility of roof access. Solar tubes are versatile and can be installed in spaces with limited ceiling room, whereas skylights may have limitations, especially in homes with architectural constraints.

5. Energy Efficiency

If energy efficiency is a concern, both options can be environmentally friendly. Solar tubes minimize the need for artificial lighting during the day, while properly designed skylights can help regulate indoor temperatures and reduce the need for heating and cooling.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make a well-informed decision regarding whether solar tubes or skylights are the ideal choice to illuminate your living space. Your selection will not only enhance the aesthetics of your home but also contribute to a more comfortable and well-lit living environment.


1. Are solar tubes and skylights energy-efficient?

Both solar tubes and skylights can be energy-efficient. Solar tubes are known for their efficient lighting due to their reflective interior surfaces, which minimize the need for artificial lighting during the day. Skylights can be energy-efficient if they are designed and installed correctly, but poorly designed skylights can lead to excessive heat gain, potentially increasing cooling costs.

2. Can solar tubes and skylights be installed in any room?

Solar tubes are more versatile in terms of installation and can be added to rooms with limited ceiling space or in areas where roof access is available. Skylights may have limitations, especially in homes with architectural constraints or limited roof access.

3. Do solar tubes and skylights require maintenance?

Both solar tubes and skylights may require occasional maintenance to ensure they function optimally. Skylights may need more regular cleaning, as they are exposed to the elements, while solar tubes may require less maintenance.

4. Can I install solar tubes or skylights myself?

While some homeowners with DIY experience may attempt to install solar tubes or skylights themselves, it’s generally recommended to hire a professional for installation to ensure proper sealing, waterproofing, and compliance with building codes.

5. Do solar tubes and skylights come with warranties?

Most reputable manufacturers offer warranties for both solar tubes and skylights, covering various components such as the tubing, diffusers, and flashing. Be sure to check the warranty details when purchasing these products.


Solar tubes and skylights both offer excellent options for introducing natural light into your living space, but they come with distinct characteristics and advantages. The choice between these two options ultimately depends on your individual preferences, budget, and specific needs.Solar tubes are cost-effective, efficient, and versatile in terms of installation. They are an excellent choice for those looking to maximize daylight in areas with limited roof access or for homeowners on a budget.

Skylights, on the other hand, provide the benefit of natural light both day and night. They offer a broader range of design options and can complement the aesthetics of your home. If you’re willing to invest in 24/7 natural illumination and prioritize design flexibility, skylights are the way to go.In the end, whether you opt for solar tubes or skylights, the goal remains the same: to brighten and transform your living space into a well-lit and inviting sanctuary. Your choice should align with your personal preferences and the unique characteristics of your home, helping you make the most of the natural light available to you.