Are you struggling with the high energy bills and want to invest in window tinting for cutting down the bills. A common question may arise in your mind before investing – does window tinting reduce heat in house?
Too much sunlight makes your home warmer so you need to use an air conditioner to keep it cool, which means a high electric bill. But using window tinting can save not only your money but also give you protection from dangerous UV rays.
Table of Contents
Does Window Film Reduce Heat Loss?
Nowadays the window film is used to decorate and protect from any kind of blasts or accidental threats. However, window film cannot prevent total heat loss but it can reduce heat. So it will reduce your energy bills and cut the other operating costs.
Not only the window film makes your office, car, or home stylish, but it can also add some other benefits. So, check it out!
Read More: Best Solar Shades For Blocking Heat
What Are the Benefits of Window Film?
The concern about does window tinting reduce heat in house is really a real struggle if you are looking for a good choice of window film. Before you invest your money and get one for you might tool at the advantages.
- A window film will help you to increase your energy savings by keeping your home cooler.
- It protects from UV-rays and gives a safeguard to your expensive furniture.
- It is easy to apply. So, you can easily use them
- Also, it can minimize the damage during the breakdown of your windows.
- It reduces glare and reduces unwanted energy transfer.
- Besides, it enhances your safety and privacy, and makes your home stylish
- By protecting from the sun’s UV rays, it protects you from skin cancer.
Disadvantages Of Home Window Tinting
Every particular thing comes with a downside. And same goes for the home window tinting. It has some disadvantages too.
- If you live in a comparatively cold region or state, then home window tinting can not be an ideal choice for you. Because the human body also needs much passive solar heat and home window tinting in a cooler state may keep you away from sunlight.
- Besides, you need to choose the home window tinting wisely because different home window tinting delivers different results.
How Does Window Film Reduce Heat Gain?
A window film can reduce the heat and can save energy by blocking more than 80% of sun rays. It also blocks the harmful UV rays and protects your precious flooring and furniture from fading away.
When the sun rays arrive on our earth, it includes three types of light:
- Visible Light: The visible light illuminates during the daytime and it is only visible to our eyes.
- UV Light: It is invisible to the human eyes. It is harmful. It can cause skin damage. Besides, it can fade away the fabric color.
- Infrared Light: It is responsible for up to 50% of heat.
By reflecting the infrared light and absorbing the UV rays, the window film is engineered to reduce heat gain and help to pass the visible light.
Read More: Best Home Window Film for Heat Rejection
Does Window Tinting Reduce Heat In Car?
Yes. Window tinting can reduce heat and thermal rays in cars. Based on the grade, window tinting can block up to 35-65% of the solar heat in a car.
So, it will make a balance between your comfort and the environment. Besides, it reduces the overusing of air conditioners and cuts fuel consumption.
Some major benefits of using window tinting in your car: Let’s find out why you should use window tinting in your car.
- It can reduce the time and fuel that is required for air conditioning.
- Besides, it reduces exposure to harmful UV lights.
- By decreasing glare and heat in the car, it delivers you a relaxing and comfortable driving experience.
What Are the Best Car Window Tints?
Searching for the best car window tints for blocking sun rays and heat? Well, I found the top 3 choices that do their job with high efficiency. If you don’t want to lose your money on some garbage car window tints, you can check the features of given car window tints.
#1. MKBROTHER 35% VLT 36 (This is the Amazon link to check features)
#2. LEXEN Universal Size (This is the Amazon link to check features)
#3. G·PEH 8 in 1 (This is the Amazon link to check features)
Can I Get Window Tint For Home?
If you want to improve energy efficiency, then you should think about tinting home windows. Window tinting is a bit thicker compared to a decorative film. But it is thinner than a security film. There are pros and cons both come with it. But the pros outweigh the cons.
It can absorb up to 99% of harmful UV rays from the sun and protect you from skin cancer. It can regulate the room temperature and increase your indoor comfort level.
There are three types of window tinting available for homes –
- Solar window tinting – Ensures protection from UV rays.
- Security window tinting -Provides additional protection from window break-ins.
- Decorative window tinting – Adds elegance.
Are there Window Films to Block Sun Heat?
Sun rays are lovely to enjoy in the morning. But for the whole day, sun rays produce much heat that can sunburn and also damages the home’s furniture and other things. We can’t reduce sun heat directly. But we can reduce the chances of damage to our bodies and homes. The only and the best way is to choose a window film that will prevent sun heat to effect through window glasses.
You can check out these films for the home window which gives safety, security, and also a beautiful look to your home.
#1. Coavas Window Film (This is the amazon link to check features)
#2. LEMON CLOUD 3D Window Film (This is the amazon link to check features)
#3. KESPEN Window Film One Way (This is the amazon link to check features)
How to Install Window Tint-To Know Check this Video:
Yes. A window film can provide privacy and security by blocking about 95% of the light at night to ensure your security and privacy.
Yes, it is. By tinting the windows of your house, you can enhance the outlook of your house. Besides, it will provide your privacy. Another major benefit of using the window tint for the house is fuel-efficient. It keeps the heat out during summer and retains heat during winter.
Yes. It helps to keep your home cooler in summer by keeping out the heat and make your home warmer in winter by retaining heat.
Yes. A window film can reduce heat loss up to 40%. So, it saves fuel up to 20%.
Yes. A reflective window film can reduce heat. It bounces the sunlight back and makes the room cooler.
A decorative window film can block UV lights at 80 to 90% but it cannot provide remarkable heat protection. Besides, it also provides security and privacy. A temperature control film can save cooling and heating costs. It can block up to 99% UV lights and around 80% of solar heat.
Yes. A mirror window film can reduce heat by reducing thermal rays. It works just like the solar window film.
Yes. A clear window film can reduce heat. According to many car owners, clear window film provides the best result. In fact, it provides a better defense against heat and harmful UV rays. They recommend using the clear window film though it comes with an expensive price range.
Yes. It can effectively reduce heat by specifically filtering the UV rays. And it allows the natural visible light to enter your home by omitting the harmful infrared light and UV rays.
Final Words
When investing in window tinting, everyone thinks about – Does window tinting reduce heat in house?
Remember, when calculating the advantages and disadvantages of tinting windows, the choice is obvious. Installing window tinting in the house not only makes your house stylish and attractive but also saves energy and money.
Besides, it helps to improve safety, security, energy efficiency, and increase UV protection. All of these benefits will overweigh the disadvantages. There are many companies that have manufactured top-rated window tinting. So, before investing do some market research.