Best Solar Cover for Inground Pool: Maximizing Efficiency and Savings

Owning an inground pool is a luxurious and enjoyable investment, but it comes with its share of responsibilities, including maintenance and energy costs. If you’re a pool owner, you’re probably familiar with the monthly bills that can pile up. However, there’s a smart and eco-friendly solution that not only minimizes your carbon footprint but also lightens the load on your wallet: solar pool covers.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of solar pool covers and discover the best options available for inground pools. These covers are more than just a pool accessory; they’re a sustainable way to harness the power of the sun for heating and pool protection. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how these covers work, the benefits they offer, and the key factors to consider when choosing the perfect one for your inground pool. Say goodbye to excessive energy bills and hello to a more environmentally responsible and cost-effective approach to pool ownership. Let’s dive in!

What Is a Solar Pool Cover?

Before we delve into the specifics of choosing the best solar cover for your inground pool, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of what a solar pool cover is and how it operates.

A solar pool cover, sometimes referred to as a solar blanket or bubble cover, is a specially designed pool cover crafted to take full advantage of the sun’s energy. Unlike traditional pool covers that primarily serve to keep debris out of the water, solar pool covers have a dual purpose: heating and protection. This dual functionality makes the choice between solar rings vs solar cover a consideration of both heating efficiency and pool maintenance.

Here’s how they work:

  1. Heat Retention: Solar pool covers are primarily intended to harness the sun’s radiant heat. They consist of air-filled bubbles or a chemical solution and are placed directly on the pool’s surface. The cover acts as a barrier that captures the sun’s warmth and retains it within the pool. This process is highly effective in gradually raising the water temperature. If you’re wondering, “Can you run the pool pump with a solar cover on, and how?” it’s essential to ensure proper circulation for optimal heat distribution and efficiency.
  2. Heat Absorption: In addition to trapping heat, solar pool covers are engineered to absorb the sun’s energy. The cover’s color and material play a crucial role in this process. Dark-colored covers, for instance, are excellent at absorbing sunlight, which further contributes to heating the pool.
  3. Evaporation Prevention: Solar covers also serve as a shield against evaporation. When the cover is in place, it significantly reduces the rate at which water evaporates from your pool. This is particularly advantageous in dry and hot climates where water loss through evaporation is a common issue.
  4. Debris and UV Protection: Besides heating and reducing evaporation, solar pool covers act as a barrier that keeps debris, leaves, and insects out of your pool. They also provide UV protection for the water, preventing the sun’s rays from degrading pool chemicals and reducing the need for additional chemical treatment.

Note: Solar pool covers are an excellent investment for pool owners looking to extend their swimming season, reduce energy costs, and minimize the environmental impact of pool ownership. Their dual functionality makes them a valuable addition to any pool, and by the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to choose the ideal solar cover for your inground pool.

Best 4 Solar Pool Covers

When it comes to choosing the best solar cover for your inground pool, it’s essential to consider factors like size, material, thickness, and performance. To help you make an informed decision, here are four top solar pool covers that have earned a reputation for their quality and effectiveness:

1. Sun2Solar Blue Solar Cover

  • Type: Bubble Cover
  • Material: High-quality UV-resistant polyethylene
  • Thickness: Available in various thicknesses
  • Color: Blue
  • Benefits: Known for durability and excellent heat retention, this cover is designed to extend your swimming season by keeping your pool warm. It helps reduce evaporation, chemical consumption, and debris in your pool.

2. In The Swim Ultra Clear Solar Pool Cover

  • Type: Bubble Cover
  • Material: Heavy-duty resin material
  • Thickness: Available in various thicknesses
  • Color: Clear
  • Benefits: The ultra-clear design of this cover allows maximum sunlight penetration, resulting in efficient heating. It’s known for its durability and the ability to reduce heat loss and evaporation while keeping debris out of the pool.

3. Thermo-Tex Solar Pool Cover

  • Type: Bubble Cover
  • Material: High-density polyethylene
  • Thickness: Available in various thicknesses
  • Color: Blue
  • Benefits: Thermo-Tex covers are designed to provide excellent insulation and durability. They help heat the pool, prevent heat loss, and reduce chemical consumption. The high-quality material ensures a long lifespan.

4. Sun2Solar Clear Diamond Solar Cover

  • Type: Bubble Cover
  • Material: Heavy-duty resin material
  • Thickness: Available in various thicknesses
  • Color: Clear with a diamond pattern
  • Benefits: This clear diamond-patterned cover offers efficient heating while allowing sunlight to penetrate the water. It reduces evaporation, protects against debris, and helps maintain the pool’s chemical balance.

These four solar pool covers have proven their effectiveness in maximizing heat retention, reducing evaporation, and extending the swimming season. When selecting the best cover for your inground pool, consider the size, shape, and specific requirements of your pool, along with the features and benefits of each cover. Choosing the right solar cover can lead to energy savings, extended pool enjoyment, and a more sustainable approach to pool ownership. When considering factors like how fast does a solar cover heat a pool, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your specific needs and preferences.

Choosing the Right Solar Cover

Selecting the right solar cover for your inground pool is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the effectiveness and efficiency of your pool heating system. There are several factors to consider to ensure you make the best choice:

Type of Solar Cover

The first step in choosing the right solar cover is deciding between the two main types available: bubble covers and liquid covers.

  1. Bubble Covers: These are perhaps the most common type of solar pool cover. They consist of air-filled bubbles that create an insulating layer on the water’s surface. Bubble covers are known for their heat retention properties and preventing evaporation. They come in various thicknesses and can be quite effective in heating your pool.
  2. Liquid Covers: Liquid pool covers, on the other hand, are a chemical solution that creates a microscopic layer on the pool’s surface. This layer serves as an insulator, reducing heat loss and evaporation. Liquid covers are easy to apply and provide an invisible layer, but they may require more frequent reapplication compared to bubble covers.

Size and Shape of Your Pool

Solar pool covers come in various sizes and shapes. To maximize their efficiency, it’s essential to choose a cover that accurately fits your pool’s dimensions. Measure your pool carefully, taking into account any irregular shapes or unique features, and then select a cover that matches the measurements. A well-fitted cover will ensure optimal heat retention and minimize heat loss. When selecting pool accessories, consider features such as the best solar cover reel for an inground pool to enhance convenience and efficiency in maintaining your pool’s temperature.

Material Quality

The quality of the materials used in your solar cover is a critical factor. High-quality covers are typically made of durable, UV-resistant materials that can withstand prolonged exposure to sunlight and temperature fluctuations. Investing in a cover with top-notch materials ensures that it will last for multiple seasons without deteriorating or becoming less effective.


The thickness of the solar cover is directly related to its insulating and heat retention capabilities. Thicker covers generally provide better insulation, which means they can trap more heat and reduce heat loss. They also tend to be more durable and resistant to wear and tear. Thinner covers, while cost-effective, may not offer the same level of efficiency and longevity. When deciding on a solar cover for your pool, considering factors like the best solar cover thickness is essential to ensure effective heat retention and durability.

Color of the Cover

The color of your solar cover plays a role in its heating performance. Dark-colored covers, such as deep blue or black, are excellent at absorbing sunlight and converting it into heat, making them ideal for heating the pool. Lighter-colored covers, like clear or light blue, are better at preventing evaporation by reflecting some of the sun’s energy and reducing heat loss.

Reputable Brands and Warranties

When choosing a solar cover, it’s advisable to opt for reputable brands that are known for their quality and durability.Many established manufacturers offer warranties on their covers, which can provide peace of mind regarding the product’s performance and lifespan. When exploring options, it’s advisable to consider reputable brands known for providing the best solar pool covers to ensure quality and reliability.

In conclusion, selecting the right solar cover for your inground pool involves assessing the type, size, material quality, thickness, and color to match your specific needs and preferences. High-quality, well-fitted covers can significantly enhance the heating efficiency of your pool, reduce energy consumption, and extend your swimming season, all while protecting your pool from debris and evaporation.

Advantages of Using a Solar Pool Cover

Solar pool covers offer numerous advantages that make them a valuable addition to any inground pool. Here are the key benefits of using a solar pool cover:

Energy and Cost Savings

One of the most significant advantages of using a solar pool cover is the potential for substantial energy and cost savings. Here’s how it works:

  • Reduced Heating Costs: Solar pool covers harness the sun’s energy to heat your pool water. By retaining heat during the day and preventing heat loss at night, they reduce the need for electric or gas pool heaters. This can lead to a significant decrease in your energy bills.
  • Extended Swimming Season: Solar covers can raise the pool water temperature, allowing you to swim comfortably even during cooler seasons. This extension of your swimming season means you can get more enjoyment from your pool without spending extra on heating.

Environmental Benefits

In addition to cost savings, solar pool covers have several environmental advantages:

  • Lower Carbon Footprint: Solar pool covers utilize renewable energy from the sun, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. This results in a lower carbon footprint and contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly pool operation.
  • Reduced Chemical Usage: Solar covers help prevent evaporation, which means your pool loses fewer chemicals due to water loss. As a result, you’ll use fewer pool chemicals, reducing the environmental impact and your expenses.

Reduced Water Evaporation

Solar pool covers act as an effective barrier against water evaporation. By keeping your pool covered when it’s not in use, you can significantly reduce the rate at which water is lost. This not only saves you money on water bills but also conserves a precious resource.

Extended Swimming Season

Solar covers can extend your pool’s swimming season by several weeks or even months. They raise the water temperature, making it comfortable for swimming earlier in the spring and later into the fall.This means more enjoyment and relaxation for you and your family. Affordable solutions, such as cheap solar pool covers, can enhance your pool experience without compromising on the benefits of heat retention and cost-effectiveness.

Enhanced Water Quality

Solar pool covers serve as a protective shield, keeping debris, leaves, insects, and dirt out of your pool. This means less time and effort spent on cleaning and maintenance, and your pool water remains cleaner and more inviting.

Easy Installation and Low Maintenance

Solar pool covers are relatively easy to install and require minimal maintenance. They typically come with simple instructions for securing the cover to your pool’s surface. Regular cleaning to remove debris and proper storage during the off-season are all that’s needed to keep your cover in good condition.

Return on Investment

The cost of a solar pool cover is often recouped within a single swimming season or two due to reduced energy costs. Over time, you can enjoy the benefits of a solar cover while saving money and reducing your environmental impact.

Note: Solar pool covers offer a multitude of advantages, including energy and cost savings, environmental benefits, reduced water evaporation, an extended swimming season, enhanced water quality, easy installation, low maintenance, and a favorable return on investment. By using a solar cover, you not only make your pool more eco-friendly but also more budget-friendly.

Best Solar Covers on the Market

The market offers a wide array of solar pool covers, each with its unique features and benefits. Here are some of the best solar pool covers available:

  1. Sun2Solar Blue Solar Cover: Known for its durability and excellent heat retention, this blue bubble cover is available in various thicknesses and can effectively reduce evaporation.
  2. In The Swim Ultra Clear Solar Pool Cover: This clear bubble cover is designed for maximum heat absorption and durability, preventing heat loss and debris from entering the pool.
  3. Thermo-Tex Solar Pool Cover: Available in various sizes and shapes, this high-density polyethylene cover offers superb insulation and longevity.
  4. Sun2Solar Clear Diamond Solar Cover: Its clear design with a diamond pattern is not only efficient at heating but also helps maintain water clarity and chemical balance.
  5. Blue Wave NS520 Solar Blanket: Made from high-quality material, this blanket effectively traps heat, reduces evaporation, and keeps debris out.
  6. In The Swim Premium Plus Solar Blanket: Designed to be lightweight and easy to handle, this cover is available in various sizes and provides superior heat retention and durability.
  7. Midwest Canvas Clear Diamond Solar Cover: This transparent cover with a diamond pattern allows for excellent heat absorption and retention, offering optimal pool heating.
  8. Thermo-Tex Rectangle Solar Cover: A rectangular cover made of UV-resistant material, providing exceptional heat retention and extending the swimming season.
  9. Doheny’s Clear Solar Cover: Known for its transparency and durability, this cover is excellent at maintaining water temperature and reducing water and chemical loss.
  10. Splash Pools Oval Solar Cover: Available in various sizes, this oval solar cover effectively prevents evaporation and keeps your pool warm, making it a great addition to your pool setup.

These solar pool covers cater to different pool sizes, shapes, and individual preferences. The key is to select the one that best suits your pool’s specific needs and enjoy the benefits of energy savings, extended swim seasons, and reduced environmental impact.

Installation and Maintenance

Installing and maintaining your solar pool cover is crucial for maximizing its efficiency and lifespan:

  1. Installation: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for installation, which typically involve spreading the cover over the pool’s surface and securing it using straps, weights, or a reel system. Ensure it is tight and secure to maximize heat retention.
  2. Maintenance: Regularly clean your solar cover to remove debris and dirt. Use a soft brush or a cover cleaner to gently scrub the surface. Keep it free from contaminants to ensure optimal heat transfer.
  3. Storage: When storing your solar cover during the off-season, make sure it’s clean and dry to prevent mold or mildew growth. Consider using a cover reel or a cover storage system for easy handling and protection.
  4. Inspection: Periodically inspect your cover for tears or damage. Small punctures or holes can be patched with a repair kit to maintain its effectiveness. Prompt repairs can prolong the cover’s lifespan and performance.


Q1: How do solar pool covers work?

A1: Solar pool covers work by harnessing the sun’s energy to heat your pool water. They create a barrier on the pool’s surface, which traps heat and prevents its escape. This process warms the water and helps maintain the pool’s temperature.

Q2: What are the benefits of using a solar pool cover?

A2: Solar pool covers offer several benefits, including energy and cost savings, reduced environmental impact, extended swimming seasons, and decreased chemical usage. They also help keep debris out of your pool.

Q3: What types of solar pool covers are available?

A3: There are two primary types of solar pool covers: bubble covers and liquid covers. Bubble covers are made of air-filled bubbles that float on the pool’s surface, while liquid covers are chemical solutions that create a protective layer.

Q4: How do I choose the right size and shape for my pool cover?

A4: To choose the right size and shape for your solar cover, measure your pool accurately. You can find covers in various sizes and shapes to match your pool’s dimensions. Ensure that the cover fits snugly to maximize its efficiency.

Q5: What should I consider when selecting a solar cover for my inground pool?

A5: When choosing a solar cover, consider factors such as the type of cover (bubble or liquid), material quality, thickness, and color. Dark-colored covers are better for heating the pool, while light-colored covers are more effective at preventing evaporation.

Q6: How do I install a solar pool cover?

A6: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation, which typically involve spreading the cover over the pool’s surface and securing it using straps, weights, or a reel system. Ensure it is tight and secure to maximize heat retention.

Q7: Do solar covers require any maintenance?

A7: Yes, solar covers do require maintenance. It’s important to regularly clean the cover to remove debris and dirt. When storing it during the off-season, make sure it’s clean and dry to prevent damage.


Investing in the best solar cover for your inground pool is a smart choice for both your wallet and the environment. With the right cover, you can extend your swimming season, reduce energy bills, and minimize your pool’s environmental impact. Remember to choose the cover that best suits your pool’s size, shape, and your heating needs.

Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for installation and maintenance to maximize its efficiency and lifespan. By taking these steps, you can enjoy a warmer, eco-friendly pool all season long.